AICPA® & CIMA®退货和取消政策


在您退回任何物品之前,您必须致电888与服务中心联系.777.7077 or service@zqzfgs.net美国东部时间周一至周五上午9点至下午6点. 所有产品应以保险和可追溯的方式退回.


  • CPE订阅:

    在线CPE订阅产品将不获退款, 其中包括CPExpress和年度网络直播通行证.

  • Non-CPE订阅:

    非cpe会员可获全额退款, 比如杂志和通讯, 自购买之日起30天内. Products within the Online Professional Library may receive a full refund within 10 days of purchase.

  • 非订购CPE产品:

    如果您不满意,个人在线课程可以在购买后30天内退款; however, 如果成绩单中有结业证书,CPE课程将不予退款.

  • 硬商品:

    打印产品有资格获得退款,如果在航运日期后30天内返回, 只要产品处于适销状态. 运费不予退还. 10个或更多的批量订单不符合退款条件. 开始从美国返回.S.,找到您的购买 你的资料,然后选择该项目旁边的“退回项目”按钮. 请务必在退货时附上一份装箱单. 对于美国以外的退款.S.,首先 188bet亚洲真人体育下载.

  • 电子书:

    Full refunds for all eBook products will be issued for requests received within 14 days of purchase.

  • 可下载或PDF格式产品:


  • 现场会议:

    You may cancel without penalty if written cancellation requests are received up to and including 45 days prior to the start of the conference. 由于美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的财务责任, a credit less 50% of the registration fee will be issued for written requests received up to and including 21 days prior to the start of the conference. No refunds or credits will be issued on cancellation requests received less than 21 days prior to the start of the event.

  • 网络会议:

    You may cancel and receive a refund if cancellation request is received up to and including 15 days prior to the start of the conference. 你可以取消并获得100%的学分,如果你 收到取消通知直至并包括 会议开始的第7天. 由于美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的财务责任, a 60% credit will be issued for requests received up to the day prior to the start of the conference. No refunds or credits will be issued on cancellation requests received once the online conference begins.

  • 网络广播:

    退款, 50%以下行政费, 如果在网络活动前一天收到取消请求,将发出取消通知. No refunds will be issued if cancellation requests are received during the Web Event or after the Web Event completion. 有关年度网播通行证,请参阅CPE订阅政策.


本网站的交易受有约束力的仲裁管辖. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the use of this Web site that cannot be settled to your satisfaction by our member satisfaction team shall be settled by arbitration in 纽约, 纽约. 该等争议将由美国仲裁协会(, 麦迪逊大道335号, 10楼, 纽约, 纽约10017-4605, (800) 778-7879, 根据其仲裁规则进行仲裁, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

您是否认为本网站的完整性或安全性受到了破坏, 请立即拨打888与服务中心联系.777.7077.

CGMA® 商店退货和取消政策





非持续专业进修课程订阅者可获全额退款, 比如杂志和通讯, 自购买之日起30天内. Products within the Online Professional Library may receive a full refund within 10 days of purchase.




Full refunds for all eBook products will be issued for requests received within 10 days of purchase.




You may cancel without penalty if written cancellation requests are received up to and including 45 days prior to the start of the conference. 由于CIMA的财务责任, a credit less 50% of the registration fee will be issued for written requests received up to and including 21 days prior to the start of the conference. No refunds or credits will be issued on cancellation requests received less than 21 days prior to the start of the event.


You may cancel and receive a refund if cancellation request is received up to and including 15 days prior to the start of the conference. 你可以取消并获得100%的学分,如果你 registration is cancelled within 会议开始的第7天. 由于CIMA的财务责任, a 60% credit will be issued for requests received up to the day prior to the start of the conference. No refunds or credits will be issued on cancellation requests received once the online conference begins.


退款, 50%以下行政费, 如果在网络活动前一天收到取消请求,将发出取消通知. No refunds will be issued if cancellation requests are received during the Web Event or after the Web Event completion.



如果您需要取消您在某个活动中的位置, 请尽早通知您的活动专家. 对于付费活动, a refund can only be made if written notification is received by the event specialist seven working days or more prior to the date of the event.

对于现场活动, 你是否应该在事件发生后7个工作日内检测出COVID-19阳性, 然后,当提供证明时,我们也会退款.

CIMA不承担任何费用或给会员带来的不便, 学生或客人因安排变化造成的.


CIMA work in partnership with BPP Professional Education Limited (“BPP”) to offer CPD training courses.


付款必须在课程开始前收到. 当我们收到您的预订时, 我们将在开票或处理付款前检查课程的可用性. 所有价格均不含增值税.


用于信用卡或借记卡支付, 我们可以接受万事达卡, 签证, 美国运通和Switch -如果在线预订, please select the ‘Call Back’ option as payment method in the payment details screen and you will be contacted for the card details. 或者,将您的预订详情发邮件至 并要求回电询问付款细节.


为课程费用开具发票, 我们需要一个有效的采购订单, 或者签名的预订表格, 或培训/人力资源经理授权开具发票的电子邮件. 在这些情况下,请发邮件 很抱歉,我们不能给个人或海外公司开发票.


如果你必须取消,请发邮件 the details to us up to 14 days before the course date to receive a refund less a £80 administrative charge. 任何在课程日期后13天内收到的取消将不退还费用.


You can transfer to another course up to three working days before the course on payment of a £50 administrative charge per day/ £25 per ½ day to a maximum of £100 per course. 代表们只能转学一次,而且是12个月内的课程.


If the original delegate is unable to attend a course a substitute may attend in their place at no extra cost other than the difference between member and non-member rate should a non-member replace a member.


在什么情况下BPP不得不取消课程, BPP的责任仅限于退还为该特定课程支付的任何费用. BPP不承担任何额外费用.

课程由BPP提供. The information provided when booking a BPP course via CIMA will be used by BPP to process your course booking only and taking payment. BPP将按照以下规定处理所收集的有关您的任何个人信息 BPP的隐私政策.


CGMA Finance Leadership Program (“CGMA Program”) Cancellation Policy and Employer/Group Sales 条款

9月. 7, 2017


1. 付款和订立合同

1.1 All payments made by you for the CGMA Program are subject to the terms and conditions in clause 1 to 3 inclusive, 雇主/团体销售除外, 哪些是受雇主/团体销售条款约束的, 可以在下面的第4节中查看.

1.2 We must receive payment for the whole price of the CGMA Program Subscription (the “Subscription”) before your order can be accepted.

1.您可以在CGMA下订单购买“订阅”.org网站(“网站”),按照屏幕上的提示. You will have an opportunity to check and correct any input errors in your order up until the point at which you submit your order.

1.4 Once we receive your payment we will confirm our acceptance of your order by sending an email to the email address you provide to us (“Acceptance Notice”). 我们发给您的电子邮件应包括订阅的详细信息和当前可用的价格. If these details and/or price differ from those shown on the Site at the time you submitted your order and you wish to cancel your order and (payment) you may do so 根据下文第3条.

1.5 If the details and price in our Acceptance Notice correspond to those shown on the Site at the time at which you submitted your order, then a legally binding contract between us (Contract) will arise upon your receipt of the Acceptance Notice.

1.6 If the details and price in our Acceptance Notice do not correspond to those shown on the Site at the time at which you submitted your order you must tell us if you do not wish to proceed with your order. A Contract will arise between us if we have not received any notice to cancel your order within thirty days of our Acceptance Notice, 根据下文第3条.

2. 价格


2.可用于订阅的价格可能随时发生变化. 网站上显示的价格是当前订阅的价格.

3. 您的取消权


3.1.你方收到符合第1条规定的验收通知.4和1.5; or (if later)


If you wish to exercise your right to cancel please 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 using the contact details listed on the site under “联系 Us.”

3.一旦你方按照第3条的规定通知我方.1, 我们最初从你的借记卡上借记的金额, 信用卡, or PayPal account for the order in question will be re-credited to you as soon as possible provided that, 根据相关订单,你们收到了哪些材料, you have returned them and they have been received by us in the same condition as when they were provided to you.